I get asked this question all the time.
Let me ask you this in return … if you knew of a regular social gathering attended by all the decision-makers who could impact your job search, would you go?
What if I told you that most of them would even be open to connecting with you in some way if you just approached them?
And further, what if I said that lots of them posted their senior-level vacancies on a bulletin board available to all members?
Finally, I’m going to tell you that the place is swarming with recruiters all looking to hire for well-paid positions.
If you’re looking for a job but refused to go to that place, I’d say you needed your marbles checked!
LinkedIn is That Place!
But that’s exactly what LinkedIn is.
According Anderson Analytics, LinkedIn users are senior-level, happily employed and well-connected:
According to the survey, 30% (9 million) of LinkedIn users are savvy networkers who earn nearly $93,500 per year and have a work purchase-power of $88,000. This group earns a “great” in social networking influence; 69% read blogs, and 9% maintain their own blogs. They are most likely to use Gmail and visit technews sites like Slashdot.
The next largest group, clocking in at 28% (8.4 million), are senior executives earning a mean of just over $104,000 per year with a purchasing power at work of $99,000. Most of this group is happily employed and uses LinkedIn for business contact networking.
As anyone who has networked on the site can tell you, most users are very open to introductions and new connections.
And just as in my imaginary get-together, LinkedIn also posts senior-level vacancies and it’s a favorite hunting ground for recruiters, who like to uncover happily employed candidates for their searches.
So the only question is, why are you not there?
Need help setting up your profile? Here are my tips on Building a Successful LinkedIn profile
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